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Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai
Prodotto Afontermo nel suo contenitore

AFONTERMO IL NANOCAPPOTTO is the only finish for masonry that functions as an extra-thin anti-condensation reflective insulating coat.
Thanks to it’s heat reflecting and high insulating properties it prevents the dispersion of heat trough the masonry during the winter
and, if applied outdoors, will reflect and reject the heat of the summer sunshine. This allows a comfortable temperature in all seasons.

Il Nanocappotto

Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai


The photo-catalytic properties of the product maintain the facades of buildings white and destroy harmful pollutants like PM10,
making them harmless.


AFONTERMO is a white doughy mass, ready for use, made of natural insulating aggregates.
The product is made with various size particles that render different finishes. AFONTERMO is to be applied in two very thin layers, approximately a 5 mm layer if applied on the inside, and a 6 mm layer if applied on the outside.


Once AfonTermo dries the wall can be painted. The product is naturally white, but it can be also painted using exlusivly our
“Pittura thermofotocatalitica”, that, if desired, can be colored with mineral oxides.
Applied on horizontal and vertical surfaces of building’s it substitutes completely the traditional insulating coat and eliminates thermal bridges preventing condensation and mold, meanwhile the great breathability of the product permits the natural flow of vapor throughout the walls.

How it works
Afontermo famiglia felice


AFONTERMO IL NANOCAPPOTTO is used as insulation for walls or surfaces of existing or new constructions. Thanks to it’s elasticity and adherence to any surface (masonry, steel, reinforced concrete, wood, glass, PVC pipes,

steel pipes, etc.) it achieves long lasting

and high resistance to all

atmospheric agents.


Afontermo - A simple test...
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Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai


It perfectly insulates any home or space

Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai


Keeps facades clean thanks to photocatalytic properties

Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai


It can be easily applied to any support

Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai


It saves living space by replacing the bulky traditional thermal coat

Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai


Optimize energy savings constantly

Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai


Afontermo complies with the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) and has a health certificate as it is a non-toxic and hypoallergenic product

Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai


It keeps the temperature constant, ensuring optimal living comfort in every season

Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai


It insulates beams and pillars eliminating thermal bridges

Afontermo made in Italy in Dubai


With Afontermo you have the security of a product without surprises: it is covered by a product liability insurance policy

Afotermo - How to apply to the wall
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Afontermo test temperatura
il prodotto Afontermo nel suo contenitore

Metrogreen is your trusted partner for advanced solutions in the field of sustainable construction. We were born with the aim of driving innovation in the sector, offering cutting-edge products and services to build buildings, cities and an entire world that is smarter and more sustainable.

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Metrogreen - Made in Italy in Dubai

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